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Friday, December 17, 2010


One Percent Standard: 1,000 copies

(Authors color-coded by nation of origin/publication: British Colonies, EnglandMedieval or Ancient


Antiquities of the Jews, Flavius Josephus
(Mott. Written circa 94 CE and translated into English in 1602; first American edition: 1721)

Advancement of Learning, Francis Bacon
(Mott. First American edition: 1844)

Authorized Version of the Bible, various
(Hart. First American edition: 1781-82)

ca. 1612
The Practice of Piety, Lewis Bayly
(Mott &Hart. Third English edition: 1613; first American edition: 1665)

ca. 1616
The Great Assize, Samuel Smith
(Hart. Second English edition: 1617; first American edition: 1727)

The Decameron, Giovanni Bocaccio
(Mott. Written in Italian in 1353, translated into English in 1620; first American edition: 1850)

Plays, William Shakespeare
(Mott & Hart. First complete American edition: 1796)

Bay Psalm Book, various

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